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Brand Value

This is back from 2009, but it’s worth noting that some brands are irreplaceable. Since Michael Jordan is turning 50 come this February 17th, I thought I’d commemorate His Airness by commenting on Jordan’s revolutionizing of athlete branding. Brand Value? It was in 2009 that the Air Jordan brand surpassed the $1 billion mark, making…

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Company needs a motto

Company needs a motto and a catchy logo. Can’t come up with it yourself? Pay someone else to come up with it (*cough* Cimetta Design *cough*). Cracked posted their 9 most meaningless corporate slogans. Why not make it 10? Answer: They probably had to stop what they’re doing to watch the Daily Show. But Cracked did…

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Smart phones

NBC News covers an experience of Dr. Eric Topol, who happened to be on an airplane when a passenger was having a heart attack. Dr. Topol had an app on his iPhone that could perform a cardiogram. Smart Phones, bringing about more efficient (better) health care. Experiences such as Dr. Topol’s are leading those in the…

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Occupy Wall Street, meet Occupy Flash…

  There is a movement website called “Occupy Flash.” Apparently, the Flash Player plugin is part of a corporate conspiracy against, uh, something. And here I thought that companies and, well, people were using HTML websites because they weren’t (intrinsically) ugly and annoying; oh, and because they work on mobile devices. Occupy Flash does provide…

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