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Sometimes we put so much work into our website, yet we are still not getting sufficient results. Grade Your Website, What’s Your Marketing Grade? HubSpot offers a free service called marketing grader (formerly known as website grader) which can show which areas in your marketing are thriving and those that need work. Many aspects of your marketing will be evaluated including website content, SEO optimization, Mobile optimization, promotion efforts, and conversion optimization. You will then get a rating from 1-100 and a full report showing how well you score in each category. You can also find out how two of your competitors score compared to you. Read more details below to see what is included in each report.

Top of the Funnel: This category includes how well you generate new and interesting content. It checks the following to help grade your website:

  • Do you have a blog? Is it unique and updated frequently? Is it easy to find and do you share it on Twitter/Facebook?
  • How many times is your site indexed by search engines? Do your images have alt tags? How many sites have a link to yours?
  • Does your site provide a mobile version? Do you have apple icons? What about a meta viewpoint tag?
  • Are you utilizing social media such as Twitter and Facebook? How often do you update these posts?

Middle of the Funnel: This category is all about making the best of the traffic you receive and turning them into customers. It checks the following to help grade your website:

  • Are your landing pages converting visitors into leads? Are you using marketing automation? Do people stay on your page or leave right away?
  • Can people subscribe to your blog either through e-mail or social media?
  • Do you simply tweet about your business or also comment on other people’s tweets?

Analytics: This last section shows if you are using analytics and if you have unique visitors on your site.

Once your report has been created it can be e-mailed, printed or even shared on social media. After reviewing all the information, you will be able to understand what is working and what needs to be changed. When you finish with those changes, your website and business should show signs of improvement. After awhile it may be a good idea to go back to the marketing grader and run a new report. You can then compare it to your old report to see how these suggestions have made an impact.

Visit marketing grader today and grade your website to see where your marketing ranks.


About the Author

Xavier Cimetta

Xavier Cimetta is part owner and the head Designer/Front-end developer at Cimetta Design, Inc. As an entrepreneur and work-a-holic, his mission is to help fellow entrepreneurs & businesses design beautiful brands, websites, packaging and experiences to reach their goals.

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