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The Power of Fonts

  I bet you never considered why educational essays are in Times New Roman or why it is improper to use Comic Sans on a commercial billboard. Choosing what kind of font to use can be a deadly decision for a marketing company. It can mean the difference of a consumer buying your product or…

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How to save money with your graphic designer

Ok, so you want a brochure, ad, package, website, billboard or TV commercial… Whatever and whenever you need something designed, you need a plan. First how to save money with your graphic designer. Organize yourself. Let’s say you want to do a design brochure for your company. Think of it as a puzzle. You have to determine…

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The evolving ways to create dynamic package design…

The website Brand Packaging published a thoughtful article on the ways that package design is changing. No longer are words such as “Bigger,” “Better,” and “Bolder” moving products the way that they used to move products. The reason for this is due to a different generation of consumers. Consumers nowadays are numb to the appeals…

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New Coke

Remember New Coke? If you do, then you probably remember how mad people were about it. It was like a movie wherein Coca-Cola Classic and his wife, Diet Coke, gave birth to the Rosemary’s Baby equivalent of soda; or it was like a daytime soap opera with a murder that gets blamed on Coke, but…

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Logo design

The honeybee knows well the juices of the flower; a fish knows how to follow water currents; and Cimetta Design knows Logo Design and what is best for your business. At the intersection of artistic creativity and professionalism, Cimetta Design works with your company to bring the design that communicates your business faster than a…

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