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How to save money with your graphic designer

Ok, so you want a brochure, ad, package, website, billboard or TV commercial… Whatever and whenever you need something designed, you need a plan. First how to save money with your graphic designer. Organize yourself. Let’s say you want to do a design brochure for your company. Think of it as a puzzle. You have to determine…

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Cokes Net Worth Trumps Combined GDP of Other Countries

The world’s wealth is not fixed. Wealth is created through production in correlation to demand. A way to increase demand is to establish a company’s brand. Brand loyalty secures product loyalty, which in turn produces positive conversation concerning The video below answers the question, What is Branding?   Cokes Net Worth Trumps Combined GDP of…

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New Package Designs For Coke and Microsoft

People may claim that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but people certainly judge a product by its packaging. We may not always do it purposely, but the packaging of a product can sometimes make or break our decision to buy. Recently New Package Designs For Coke and Microsoft, two well-known companies, have…

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The Future of Marketing

  The Future of Marketing, Social media has given us new ways to connect with people like never before and share content within an instant, but it has also revealed something else: a more self-centered attitude. Why is this true? Well, people naturally want to fulfill their own needs and wants, but social media has…

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Integrated Marketing

  You can come up with all types of creative ideas for marketing your company, but if all of your marketing efforts are not coordinated using integrated marketing  it may not be successful. Taking advantage of all media outlets is essential in building brand awareness and rising above your competitors. So if you have a…

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