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You have a company blog; you create multiple social media sites; you circulate your writings. Are you getting the community interaction you desire?

Let us say that your company specializes in socks. At first, maybe you write about the history of the sock; there is a history, I’ll have you know. Ok, that is day one. But what about tomorrow? How much can one write about socks?

Writing about tangential matters in an entertaining light gives your company verve and an attractive personality.

You can write about sock charities, sock monkeys, the word sock in colloquial usage (“Sock it to me!”), or tell a fantastic anecdote about the Boston Red Sox. Think these topics won’t generate interest? Untrue.

See? This picture sells itself!

Bloggers Guide to building an audience… track your Insights line graph on your Facebook page. Go on. By making your posts lively, informative, and interactive (!), you encourage viewers to engage your posts and therefore engage your company.

Once you achieve user interaction…interact back! Always be polite and keep in mind that you are the online face of your business, but have fun with people. Tailor your headlines (this is ad copy, folks) to seduce the user into engagement.

Lastly, use sites such as Twitterfeed to your advantage. If you have a Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. account, get on Twitterfeed, input your various RSS feeds, and circulate your articles. Cast the widest net possible. And, that being said, time your circulation times around an hour or two apart; you don’t want to drive people away by inundating them.

To recapitulate: be fun, be thoughtful, and be interactive!

Image Source: Online Interaction.

Image Source: Red Sox.

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About the Author

Xavier Cimetta

Xavier Cimetta is part owner and the head Designer/Front-end developer at Cimetta Design, Inc. As an entrepreneur and work-a-holic, his mission is to help fellow entrepreneurs & businesses design beautiful brands, websites, packaging and experiences to reach their goals.

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