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10 greatest sports logos

Click Here Inventor Spot for the 10 greatest sports logos ever. Do you agree with their rankings? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below. The featured image no doubt will make the number one selection underwhelming, yet this should matter not. The hockey team Detroit Red Wings has the perfect amalgamation of…

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The most thoughtless logos ever (Warning: By “thoughtless” we mean Freudian)

This list of logos recalls the humor of low-brow college comedies, but in fact the logos are real. I hope that you all appreciate these images from both a childish and psychoanalytic standpoint (but I repeat myself). Hard to imagine these designs not thriving in a mass market setting. Why do I write this? Because the…

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Logos: They Just Come Flat Now

Thanks to Geek Fill for juxtaposing these past and present logos. Minimalism is making it’s go-round again. And thank goodness. I could use some single entendres after years of double entendres. How about just hip fatigue? The shift towards a straight-forward approach to design means that perhaps companies are picking up on how much people are…

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